Source code for mardi_importer.zbmath.ZBMathSource

import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import traceback
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from datetime import datetime
from habanero import Crossref  # , RequestError
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, ContentDecodingError, ChunkedEncodingError
from urllib3.exceptions import IncompleteRead, ProtocolError
from sickle import Sickle
import pandas as pd
import requests
from time import sleep
from ast import literal_eval

from mardi_importer.integrator import MardiIntegrator
from mardi_importer.importer import ADataSource
from .ZBMathPublication import ZBMathPublication
from .ZBMathAuthor import ZBMathAuthor
from .ZBMathJournal import ZBMathJournal
from .misc import get_tag, get_info_from_doi

[docs] class ZBMathSource(ADataSource): """Reads data from zb math API.""" def __init__( self, out_dir, tags, from_date=None, until_date=None, raw_dump_path=None, processed_dump_path=None, split_id=None, ): # , path """ Args: out_dir (string): target directory for saved files tags (list): list of tags to extract from the zbMath response from_date (string, optional): earliest date from when to pull information until_date (string, optional): latest date from when to pull information raw_dump_path (string, optional): path where the raw data dump is located, in case it has previously been pulled processed_dump_path (string, optional): path to the processed dump file split_id (string, optional): zbMath id from where to start processing the raw dump, in case it aborted mid-processing """ # load the list of swMath software # software_df = pd.read_csv(path) # self.software_list = software_df['Software'].tolist() if out_dir[-1] != "/": out_dir = out_dir + "/" self.out_dir = out_dir self.split_id = split_id if self.split_id: self.split_mode = True else: self.split_mode = False self.from_date = from_date self.until_date = until_date self.tags = tags self.integrator = MardiIntegrator() self.conflict_string = ( "zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses" ) self.raw_dump_path = raw_dump_path self.filepath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.processed_dump_path = processed_dump_path self.namespace = "" self.preview_namespace = "" self.tag_namespace = "" self.conflict_text = "zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses." # dict for counting how often a doi was not found and which agency it was registered with self.unknown_doi_agency_dict = {"Crossref": [], "crossref": [], "nonsense": []} # tags that will not be found in doi query self.internal_tags = ["author_id", "source", "classifications", "links"] self.existing_authors = {} self.existing_journals = {}
[docs] def setup(self): """Create all necessary properties and entities for zbMath""" # Import entities from Wikidata filename = self.filepath + "/wikidata_entities.txt" self.integrator.import_entities(filename=filename) #self.create_local_entities() self.label_id_dict = {} self.label_id_dict["de_number_prop"] = self.integrator.get_local_id_by_label( #de_number_prop "zbMATH DE Number", "property" ) self.label_id_dict["keyword_prop"] = self.integrator.get_local_id_by_label( #keyword_prop "zbMATH Keywords", "property" ) self.label_id_dict["review_prop"] = self.integrator.get_local_id_by_label("review text", "property") self.label_id_dict["mardi_profile_type_prop"] = self.integrator.get_local_id_by_label("MaRDI profile type", "property") self.label_id_dict["mardi_publication_profile_item"] = self.integrator.get_local_id_by_label( "MaRDI publication profile", "item" )[0] self.label_id_dict["mardi_person_profile_item"] = self.integrator.get_local_id_by_label("MaRDI person profile", "item")[0]
[docs] def create_local_entities(self): filename = self.filepath + "/new_entities.json" f = open(filename) entities = json.load(f) for prop_element in entities["properties"]: prop = prop.labels.set(language="en", value=prop_element["label"]) prop.descriptions.set(language="en", value=prop_element["description"]) prop.datatype = prop_element["datatype"] if not prop.exists(): prop.write() for item_element in entities["items"]: item = item.labels.set(language="en", value=item_element["label"]) item.descriptions.set(language="en", value=item_element["description"]) if "claims" in item_element: for key, value in item_element["claims"].items(): item.add_claim(key, value=value) if not item.exists(): item.write()
[docs] def pull(self): #self.write_data_dump() self.process_data()
[docs] def get_line(self, values): new_values = [] for x in values: x = str(x) x = x.replace("\t", " ") new_values.append(x) return("\t".join(new_values) + "\n")
[docs] def write_data_dump(self): """ Overrides abstract method. This method queries the zbMath API to get a data dump of all records, optionally between from_date and until_date """ url = "" timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.raw_dump_path = self.out_dir + "raw_zbmath_data_dump" + timestr + ".txt" headers = ['biographic_references', 'contributors', 'database', 'datestamp', 'document_type', 'editorial_contributions', 'id', 'identifier', 'keywords', 'language', 'license', 'links', 'msc', 'references', 'source', 'states', 'title', 'year', 'zbmath_url'] with open(self.raw_dump_path, "a+") as f: f.write("\t".join(headers) + "\n") start_after = 0 retries = 0 max_retries = 5 while True: results = [] params = {"start_after": start_after, "results_per_request": 500} try: response = requests.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: retries = 0 data=response.json() if not data["result"]: break results.extend(data["result"]) start_after = data["status"]["last_id"] for r in results: if list(r.keys()) != headers: print(f"wrong headers in {r}") break f.write(self.get_line(r.values())) f.flush() os.fsync(f) elif response.status_code == 502 and retries < max_retries: print("Encountered 502 error, retrying...") retries += 1 sleep(5) continue else: print(f"Failed to retrieve data: {response.status_code}") break except (IncompleteRead, ChunkedEncodingError, ProtocolError) as e: print(f"Exception occurred: {e}") if retries < max_retries: retries += 1 sleep(30) continue else: print("Max retries reached for Exception.") break except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") break
[docs] def old_write_data_dump(self): """ Overrides abstract method. This method queries the zbMath API to get a data dump of all records, optionally between from_date and until_date """ timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.raw_dump_path = self.out_dir + "raw_zbmath_data_dump" + timestr + ".txt" sickle = Sickle("") # date has to have format like 2012-12-12 if self.from_date and self.until_date: records = sickle.ListRecords( **{ "metadataPrefix": "oai_zb_preview", "from": self.from_date, "until": self.until_date, } ) elif self.from_date: records = sickle.ListRecords( **{"metadataPrefix": "oai_zb_preview", "from": self.from_date} ) elif self.until_date: records = sickle.ListRecords( **{"metadataPrefix": "oai_zb_preview", "until": self.until_date} ) else: records = sickle.ListRecords(metadataPrefix="oai_zb_preview") with open(self.raw_dump_path, "w+") as f: for rec in records: f.write(rec.raw + "\n")
[docs] def process_data(self): """ Overrides abstract method. Reads a raw zbMath data dump and processes it, then saves it as a csv. """ if not self.processed_dump_path: timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.processed_dump_path = ( self.out_dir + "zbmath_data_dump" + timestr + ".csv" ) with open(self.processed_dump_path, "a") as outfile: outfile.write( "de_number\t" + "creation_date\t" + ("\t").join(self.tags) + "_text\treview_sign\treviewer_id\n" ) #df = pd.read_csv(self.raw_dump_path, sep = "\t") found = False for chunk in pd.read_csv(self.raw_dump_path, sep = "\t", chunksize=2000): for _, row in chunk.iterrows(): record = {} record["de_number"] = row["id"] # if row["id"] == 2522407: # found = True # continue # if not found: # continue record["creation_date"] = row["datestamp"] authors = [] author_ids = [] for d in literal_eval(row["contributors"])["authors"]: if d['name'] != None: authors.append(d['name']) else: authors.append("None") if d["codes"]: author_ids.append(d["codes"][0]) else: author_ids.append("None") record["author"] = ";".join(authors) record["author_ids"] = ";".join(author_ids) title = literal_eval(row["title"])["title"] record["document_title"] = title record["source"] = literal_eval(row["source"])["source"] msc = [] for d in literal_eval(row["msc"]): msc.append(d["code"]) record["classifications"] = ";".join(msc) if literal_eval(row["language"])["languages"]: record["language"] = literal_eval(row["language"])["languages"][0] else: record["language"] = None links = [] doi = None for d in literal_eval(row["links"]): if "type" not in d: continue if d["type"] in ["http", "https"]: if d['url'] is not None and d['url'] != "None": links.append(d['url']) elif d["type"] == "doi": doi = d["identifier"] record["links"] = ";".join(links) record["keywords"] = ";".join([x for x in literal_eval(row["keywords"]) if x]) record["doi"] = doi record["publication_year"] = row["year"] if literal_eval(row["source"])["series"]: record["serial"] = literal_eval(row["source"])["series"][0]["title"] else: record["serial"] = None record["zbl_id"] = row["identifier"] ref_ids = [] for d in literal_eval(row["references"]): ref_ids.append(str(d["zbmath"]["document_id"])) record["references"] = ";".join(ref_ids) review_text = None review_sign = None reviewer_id = None for d in literal_eval(row["editorial_contributions"]): if d["contribution_type"] == "review": review_text = d["text"] review_sign = d["reviewer"]["name"] reviewer_id = d["reviewer"]["author_code"] break record["review_text"] = review_text record["review_sign"] = review_sign record["reviewer_id"] = reviewer_id if record: for key, value in record.items(): if isinstance(value, str): record[key] = value.replace("\t", "\\T").replace("\n", "\\N").replace("\r", "\\R") outfile.write( "\t".join(str(x) for x in record.values()) + "\n" )
[docs] def old_process_data(self): """ Overrides abstract method. Reads a raw zbMath data dump and processes it, then saves it as a csv. """ if not (self.processed_dump_path and self.split_mode): timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.processed_dump_path = ( self.out_dir + "zbmath_data_dump" + timestr + ".csv" ) # def do_all(xml_file, out_file): with open(self.raw_dump_path) as infile: with open(self.processed_dump_path, "a") as outfile: # if we are not continuing with a pre-filled file if not self.split_mode: outfile.write( "de_number\t" + "creation_date\t" + ("\t").join(self.tags) + "_text\treview_sign\treviewer_id\n" ) record_string = "" for line in infile: record_string = record_string + line if line.endswith("</record>\n"): element = ET.fromstring(record_string) if self.split_mode: de_number = self.get_de_number(element) # if the last processed id is found if de_number == self.split_id: # next iteration, continue with writing self.split_mode = False record_string = "" continue else: # continue searching record_string = "" continue record = self.parse_record(element) if record: outfile.write( "\t".join(str(x) for x in record.values()) + "\n" ) record_string = ""
[docs] def parse_record(self, xml_record): """ Parse xml record from zbMath API. Args: xml_record (xml element): record returned by zbMath API Returns: dict: dict of (tag,value) pairs extracted from xml_record """ is_conflict = False new_entry = {} # zbMath identifier de_number = self.get_de_number(xml_record) creation_date = self.get_creation_date(xml_record) new_entry["de_number"] = de_number new_entry["creation_date"] = creation_date # read tags zb_preview = xml_record.find( get_tag("metadata", namespace=self.namespace) ).find(get_tag("zbmath", self.preview_namespace)) if zb_preview: for tag in self.tags: value = zb_preview.find(get_tag(tag, self.tag_namespace)) if value is not None: if len(value): if tag == "review": for subtag in ["review_text", "review_sign", "reviewer_id"]: subvalue = value.find( get_tag(subtag, self.tag_namespace) ) if subvalue is not None: if len(subvalue): sys.exit(f"tag {subtag} has children") else: text = subvalue.text if subtag == "review_text": text = text.replace("\t", " ") text = text.replace("\n", " ") new_entry[subtag] = text else: new_entry[subtag] = None continue # element has children texts = [] for child in value: texts.append(child.text) texts = [t for t in texts if t is not None] text = ";".join( texts ) # multiple values are rendered as a semicolon-separated string else: # element content is a simple text text = zb_preview.find(get_tag(tag, self.tag_namespace)).text text = text.replace("\n", " ") new_entry[tag] = text # if tag is not found in zbMath return, we still want to get it from doi else: new_entry[tag] = None # return record, even if incomplete return new_entry else: sys.exit("Error: zb_preview not found")
[docs] def push(self): """Updates the MaRDI Wikibase entities corresponding to zbMath publications. It creates a :class:`mardi_importer.zbmath.ZBMathPublication` instance for each publication. Authors and journals are added, as well. """ found = False with open(self.processed_dump_path, "r") as infile: in_header_line = True for line in infile: if in_header_line: headers = line.strip().split("\t") in_header_line = False continue split_line = line.strip("\n").split("\t") # formatting error: skip if len(split_line) != len(headers): continue info_dict = dict(zip(headers, split_line)) # this part is for continuing at a certain position if the import failed # if not found: # if info_dict["de_number"].strip() != "49686": # #if info_dict["document_title"] != "Unimodular supergravity": # continue # else: # found = True # continue # if there is not title, don't add if self.conflict_string in info_dict["document_title"]: if ( self.conflict_string not in info_dict["doi"] and info_dict["doi"] != "None" ): document_title = get_info_from_doi( doi=info_dict["doi"].strip(), key="document_title" ) if not document_title: print("No title from doi, uploading empty") else: print(f"Found document title {document_title} from doi") else: print("No doi found, uploading empty.") document_title = None # only upload those where there was a conflict before else: document_title = info_dict["document_title"].strip() if not info_dict["zbl_id"] == "None": zbl_id = info_dict["zbl_id"] else: zbl_id = None if ( not self.conflict_string in info_dict["author_ids"] and "None" not in info_dict["author_ids"] ): author_ids = info_dict["author_ids"].split(";") if ( self.conflict_string in info_dict["author"] or "None" in info_dict["author"] ): author_strings = [None] * len(author_ids) else: author_strings = info_dict["author"].split(";") authors = [] for a, a_id in zip(author_strings, author_ids): if not a and not a_id: continue if a: a = a.strip() a_id = a_id.strip() if a_id in self.existing_authors: authors.append(self.existing_authors[a_id]) print(f"Author with name {a} was already created this run.") else: for attempt in range(5): try: author = ZBMathAuthor( integrator=self.integrator, name=a, zbmath_author_id=a_id, label_id_dict=self.label_id_dict, ) local_author_id = author.create() except Exception as e: print(f"Exception: {e}, sleeping") print(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(120) else: break else: sys.exit("Uploading author did not work after retries!") authors.append(local_author_id) self.existing_authors[a_id] = local_author_id else: authors = [] if ( self.conflict_string in info_dict["serial"] or info_dict["serial"].strip() == "None" ): if ( self.conflict_string not in info_dict["doi"] and info_dict["doi"] != "None" ): journal_string = get_info_from_doi( doi=info_dict["doi"].strip(), key="journal" ) else: journal_string = None else: journal_string = info_dict["serial"].split(";")[-1].strip() if journal_string: if journal_string in self.existing_journals: journal = self.existing_journals[journal_string] print( f"Journal {journal_string} was already created in this run." ) else: for attempt in range(5): try: journal_item = ZBMathJournal( integrator=self.integrator, name=journal_string ) if journal_item.exists(): print(f"Journal {journal_string} exists!") journal = journal_item.QID else: print(f"Creating journal {journal_string}") journal = journal_item.create() except Exception as e: print(f"Exception: {e}, sleeping") print(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(120) else: break else: sys.exit("Uploading journal did not work after retries!") self.existing_journals[journal_string] = journal else: journal = None if not self.conflict_string in info_dict["language"]: language = info_dict["language"].strip() else: language = None if not self.conflict_string in info_dict["publication_year"]: time_string = ( f"+{info_dict['publication_year'].strip()}-00-00T00:00:00Z" ) else: time_string = None if not self.conflict_string in info_dict["links"]: pattern = re.compile( r"^([a-z][a-z\d+.-]*):([^][<>\"\x00-\x20\x7F])+$" ) links = info_dict["links"].split(";") links = [ x.strip() for x in links if (pattern.match(x) and "http" in x) ] arxiv_prefix = "" arxiv_id = None for l in links: if arxiv_prefix in l: arxiv_id = l.removeprefix(arxiv_prefix) else: links = [] if ( not self.conflict_string in info_dict["doi"] and not "None" in info_dict["doi"] ): doi = info_dict["doi"].strip() else: doi = None if info_dict["creation_date"] != "0001-01-01T00:00:00": # because there can be no hours etc creation_date = ( f"{info_dict['creation_date'].split('T')[0]}T00:00:00Z" ) else: creation_date = None if ( not self.conflict_string in info_dict["review_text"] and info_dict["review_text"].strip() != "None" ): review_text = info_dict["review_text"].strip() if ( not self.conflict_string in info_dict["review_sign"] and info_dict["review_sign"].strip() != "None" and not self.conflict_string in info_dict["reviewer_id"] and info_dict["reviewer_id"].strip() != "None" and info_dict["reviewer_id"].strip() != "" ): reviewer_id = info_dict["reviewer_id"].strip() reviewer_name = ( info_dict["review_sign"] .strip() .split("/")[0] .strip() .split("(")[0] .strip() ) if reviewer_id in self.existing_authors: reviewer = self.existing_authors[reviewer_id] print( f"Reviewer with name {a} was already created this run." ) else: for attempt in range(5): try: reviewer_object = ZBMathAuthor( integrator=self.integrator, name=reviewer_name, zbmath_author_id=reviewer_id, label_id_dict = self.label_id_dict, ) reviewer = reviewer_object.create() except Exception as e: print(f"Exception: {e}, sleeping") print(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(120) else: break else: sys.exit( "Uploading reviewer did not work after retries!" ) self.existing_authors[reviewer_id] = reviewer else: reviewer = None else: review_text = None reviewer = None if ( not self.conflict_string in info_dict["classifications"] and info_dict["classifications"].strip() != "None" and info_dict["classifications"].strip() != "" ): classifications = info_dict["classifications"].strip().split(";") else: classifications = None if info_dict["de_number"].strip() != "None": de_number = info_dict["de_number"].strip() else: de_number = None if ( not self.conflict_string in info_dict["keywords"] and info_dict["keywords"].strip() != "None" and info_dict["keywords"].strip() != "" ): keywords = info_dict["keywords"].strip().split(";") keywords = [x.strip() for x in keywords if x.strip()] else: keywords = None for attempt in range(5): try: publication = ZBMathPublication( integrator=self.integrator, title=document_title, doi=doi, authors=authors, journal=journal, language=language, time=time_string, links=links, creation_date=creation_date, zbl_id=zbl_id, arxiv_id=arxiv_id, review_text=review_text, reviewer=reviewer, classifications=classifications, de_number=de_number, keywords=keywords, label_id_dict = self.label_id_dict, ) if publication.exists(): print(f"Publication {document_title} exists") publication.update() else: print(f"Creating publication {document_title}") publication.create() except Exception as e: print(f"Exception: {e}, sleeping") print(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(120) else: break else: sys.exit("Uploading publication did not work after retries!")
[docs] def get_de_number(self, xml_record): """ Get zbMath id from xml record. Args: xml_record (xml element): record returned by zbMath API Returns: string: zbMath ID """ de_number = ( xml_record.find(get_tag("header", self.namespace)) .find(get_tag("identifier", namespace=self.namespace)) .text ) de_number = de_number.split(":")[-1] return de_number
[docs] def get_creation_date(self, xml_record): """ Get creation date from xml record. Args: xml_record (xml element): record returned by zbMath API Returns: string: creation date """ creation_date = ( xml_record.find(get_tag("header", self.namespace)) .find(get_tag("datestamp", namespace=self.namespace)) .text ) return creation_date