from habanero import Crossref
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
import requests
def search_item_by_property(property_id,value):
Search for pages in namespace 120 that have the statement:
:param value: e.g. "6369674"
:return: JSON response from the API
base_url = ""
# Create the search query with the property_id and value
srsearch_query = f"haswbstatement:{property_id}={value}"
# Set up the parameters for the API request
params = {
"action": "query",
"list": "search",
"srsearch": srsearch_query,
"srnamespace": "120", # Adjust if needed
"format": "json"
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
# Raise an exception if the request was unsuccessful
# Parse the response as JSON
data = response.json()
if data['query']['search']:
qid = data['query']['search'][0]['title'].split(':')[-1]
qid = None
return qid
def get_tag(tag_name, namespace):
Returns a fully qualified tag name.
tag_name (string): name of tag, e.g. author
namespace (string): namespace URL of a namespace
return "{{{}}}{}".format(namespace, tag_name)
def parse_doi_info(val, work_info):
Function to extract information returned by a doi query for a specific tag.
val (string): tag, e.g. author
work_info (dict): information from doi query response
string: information for specific tag, None if not found
# information about return fields can be found under
if val == "author":
# author and the familiy subfield are mandatory fields in crossref api
# looks like: 'author': [{'given': 'Max', 'family': 'Mustermann', 'sequence': 'first', 'affiliation': []}]
if "author" not in work_info:
return None
first_name = ""
family_name = ""
author_list = []
for author_dict in work_info["author"]:
# family name not known: too little information
if "family" not in author_dict:
return None
family_name = author_dict["family"]
# family name not known; too little information
if not family_name:
return None
if "given" in author_dict:
first_name = author_dict["given"]
# first name not necessarily needed
if not first_name:
author_list.append(family_name + ", " + first_name)
return ";".join(author_list)
elif val == "document_title":
if "document_title" not in work_info:
return None
title_list = work_info["title"]
if title_list:
return ";".join(title_list)
return None
elif val == "publication_year":
# date-parts is a mandaory field for published in crossref api
# 'published': {'date-parts': [[2008]]}} this is not necessarily the year this was published in the journal, apparently...
if "published" not in work_info:
return None
# this is either a year or None
return work_info["published"]["date_parts"][0][0]
elif val == "serial":
if "reference" not in work_info:
return None
serials = []
for serial_dict in work_info["reference"]:
if "journal_title" in serial_dict:
# if no serials were found
if not serials:
return None
# make list unique
serials = list(set(serials))
return ";".join(serials)
elif val == "language":
if "language" not in work_info:
return None
return work_info["language"]
elif val == "keywords":
if "subject" not in work_info:
return None
return ";".join(work_info["subject"])
def get_info_from_doi(doi, key):
Query crossref API for DOI information.
doi: doi
key: document_title only for now
title: document title
doi_list = doi.split(";")
# print("doi")
# print(doi)
# print("doi list")
# print(doi_list)
cr = Crossref(mailto="")
for doi in doi_list:
work_info =
if not work_info:
if key == "document_title":
if "title" not in work_info["message"]:
title_list = work_info["message"]["title"]
if title_list:
joint_title = ";".join(title_list).strip()
joint_title = joint_title.replace("\n", " ").strip()
joint_title = joint_title.replace("\t", " ").strip()
if len(joint_title) > 500:
return None
return joint_title
elif key == "journal":
if "container-title" not in work_info["message"]:
return None
if not work_info["message"]["container-title"]:
return None
journal = work_info["message"]["container-title"][0].strip()
return journal
# if the doi is not found, there is a 404
except HTTPError:
print("HTTP Error!")
return None